Les normes

 Students recently worked together to come up with norms for French class.  A norm is something you agree to do on a regular basis to reach your goals as a group.  After reflecting on their goals for language learning, students generated a list of norms in groups, then shared them out either on a virtual whiteboard or on Socrative.  The class then voted on their favorite norms either by using the vote feature in Socrative or by stamping their favorite norms on the whiteboard.  Here's a peek at the brainstorming process:

Finally, after reviewing all the submissions, these four norms were selected as the most popular for the class to strive for:

Travaillez dur et faites un effort ! ~ Work hard and make an effort!

Écoutez et faites attention ! ~ Listen and pay attention!

Participez et parlez français ! ~ Participate and speak French!

Pratiquez à la maison ! Practice at home!

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