Fun with Nearpod and Quizlet Live!

 We've been using Nearpod a lot in our hybrid lessons.  Here are some snippets of what we've been doing:

Period 3 have chosen their avatars and they are ready to play Time to Climb, a game where they climb up the hill every time they answer a question correctly!

The Time to Climb leaderboard and the avatars making their way up the hill.  Watch them climb up the hill below:

Students answer a question in French about where they are from.

Students submit drawings for the word "Chantez !" (Sing!).

Mlle Decker's pick for the best interpretation of "Je ne sais pas" (I don't know).

Nearpod's not the only tool we've been using...we also played Quizlet Live today!  Every student gets assigned an animal in French, then they try to answer twelve vocabulary questions correctly, all in a row.  One wrong answer, and they have to start over!  Here it is in action:

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