Enjoy this bande dessinée created by Anne, Période 2, at http://www.makebeliefscomix.com. Don't forget that you can create comics like this using both old and new vocabulary!
I've moved my classroom blog over to a new host, so you can find all future updates at http://mlledeckerblog.wordpress.com . All the old posts are there too for anyone who is interested in browsing, but future posts will not show up here. You can subscribe to the blog at the new site.
For your homework for Tuesday, ask a question, answer a question, or make a statement about yourself or someone else using one of the ADVERBS on page 100 of your text (un peu, beaucoup, souvent, rarement, toujours, maintenant, bien, mal). Refer to page 100 for meanings and where to place it. Please write your initials and your period in the spot for your name so I can see that you completed it (ex. M.D. Période 2). Created with Padlet
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