La semaine du français

(Above:  "The world speaks French"  - written on the school's front walk way)

Over the past week, we have been celebrating National French week in class and during French Club.

Some students chose to make posters explaining why they are learning French.  A judge chose one of the posters to be the winner (see below).

Students brought in dishes from all over the francophone world to enjoy.  Above:  Tarte Tatin; below:  profiteroles (cream puffs)

Above:  Macarons; Below:  Clafoutis

Above:  palmiers; Below:  students filling in a sheet about what they ate to support a conversation with their neighbors.

Above:  Meringues; Below:  Some students presenting their dishes.

French Club students decorated the front walkway with flags of French speaking countries

Above:  La Suisse (Switzerland); Below:  L'Algérie (Algeria)

Above:  Le Liban (Lebanon); Below:  La Polynésie française (French Polynesia)

Above:  Le Québec; Below:  La France

Above:  Le Maroc (Morocco)


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