Below is a list of games and activities to help you improve your French. We have played some of them in class this year. Next to them I have noted which areas they are helpful in. Please note, a TinyTap account is required to play TinyTap games. TinyTap -Les verbes - Listening, reading, vocabulary TinyTap - Les phrases, Les questions - Listening, reading, vocabulary, pronunciation TinyTap - Les informations personnelles - Listening, reading, vocabulary TinyTap - La nourriture et les boissons - Listening, reading, vocabulary TinyTap - Quel temps fait-il ? - Listening, reading, vocabulary TinyTap - Les couleurs - Reading, pronunciation, vocabulary Tiny Tap - La famille - Listening, vocabulary TinyTap - Le matériel scolaire - Listening, vocabulary TinyTap - Ours brun - Pronunciation, vocabulary TinyTap - Les parties du corps - Listening, vocabulary, pronunciation TinyTap - Dans la cuisine de Maman - Vocabulary, pronunciation Languages Online ...