
Showing posts from March, 2015

Les activités Quia

Play the following games (as many as you can) in order today during your stations activity with the iPads: (Start with the easiest ones, the top ones, first!) ER Verbs in French Silent Verb Endings C'est une boum Les verbes qui finissent en ER ER Verb Forms

Les activités

Les activité des périodes 1, 2 et 3 Les activités des périodes 5, 6, et 9

Les iPads !

The day finally arrived when we got to use the iPads for the first time!  Excitement abounded in room E142 today! Gustave would like to keep his! Using the Jot app to practice verbs Playing Kahoot!  Everyone got it right! Pierre reenacting his reaction to accidentally pushing the wrong answer. Kahoot choices match up to words on the board Writing with the Jot app Look at the concentration on these students' faces as they contemplate the answer!  They are not just going to pick any random choice. After all is said and done, let's not forget where these iPads came from:  a generous grant from the Saratoga Foundation for Innovative Learning (SFIL)!  Thank you, SFIL, for helping bring new levels of engagement and excitement to the language classroom!

Les bandes dessinées
