
Showing posts from April, 2014

La musique francophone

NOTE : This post contains a YouTube playlist. I have approved the videos in the playlist for the blog, but if you choose to click out and leave the blog, you will be viewing content that I have not pre-approved. Écoutez les tubes populaires en France ! Écrivez tes opinions ! Created with Padlet Created with Padlet

Les adverbes

For your homework for Thursday, ask a question, answer a question, or make a statement about yourself or someone else using one of the ADVERBS on page 100 of your text (un peu, beaucoup, souvent, rarement, toujours, maintenant, bien, mal). Refer to page 100 for meanings and where to place it. Please write your initials and your period in the spot for your name so I can see that you completed it (ex. M.D. Période 2). Created with Padlet

J'aime ça, mais...

Participez au blog ! Created with Padlet

Le verbe AIMER

Participez au blog ! Created with Padlet

Les mini-affiches

Look at these wonderful posters showing what various people do in different places: